What is Bullying?
First and foremost, it is important to know what are the various types of bullying prevalent in our society. To overcome a problem we must know exactly what our problem is. Analyzing the problem will make us more aware of how to tackle it effectively. Therefore, in this case we must know what bullying is. Bullying is any physical or verbal action that hurts a person’s sentiments and emotions. Types of bullying include:
Physical bullying: is the bullying in which the bully hurts the person’s body or possessions. Actions such as kicking, hitting, and pushing are all of examples of physical bullying.
Verbal bullying: is the bullying in which the bully hurts the person’s emotions and sentiments by writing or saying mean comments.
Social bullying/ Relational bullying: is a bullying in which the person’s reputation or relationships are hurt. It includes actions such as excluding, and rumor-spreading.
Cyber bullying: is the type of bullying in which a person is hurt by the use of electronic communication. It includes actions such as sending hurtful messages over digital devices.
Good job ! Great read