Bullying gone too far: A young boy burned by a bully in Connecticut, United States

Recently there has been an outpouring of love for little Dominick Krankall who was severely burned by a bully. Thankfully he is out of the hospital and recovering from the incident. However, it is still hard to come to terms with the fact that the little boy who is just 6 had to go through something so disturbing. This incident took place in Connecticut, United States when Dominick was playing outside in the backyard. His parents allege that he was attacked by an 8 year old boy who poured gasoline on a tennis ball and then lit it on fire to throw it at Dominick’s face. Although the attacker had previously also bullied Dominick, something so disturbing was not expected.

“Mommy, they lit me on fire,” Dominick screamed these words as soon as this incident happened. This sentence itself is enough to explain the gravity of the situation. Dominick’s sister claims that when her brother was bullied before by the same attacker, the attacker’s mother refused to admit that her child did that. According to the New York Post, the family received $162,000 on their GoFundMe page to help them pay for hospital expenses. So far no charges have been filed, but Dominick’s parents are speaking about bullying in order to prevent other kids from being hurt.

It is hard to believe that a young boy who is just 8 thought it was okay to burn someone. This news not only breaks your heart but forces you to think about which direction our society is heading. Bullying should not be something that a kid in first grade has to go through. Another thing to be taken into consideration is that no parent should take bullying lightly, if a small incident of bullying does occur then steps that will prevent it from happening later should be taken immediately. As a society we must teach our children the importance of kindness. In this heart shattering case Dominick’s sister claimed that the attacker’s mother refused to admit her child was a bully. All parents should understand anyone can be a bully so when they are informed that their child intentionally or unintentionally hurt someone they must acknowledge it and look into the matter. The first thing a parent should do in this scenario is to have a conversation about the bullying that occurred. Proper dialogue should be encouraged and the child must be taught about the importance of compassion and empathy. In severe cases a child therapist should be seen in order to ensure that such instances of bullying do not occur and so that the child can grow up to be an understanding and kind human being. This is crucial if we as a society want such incidents to never occur. As a society we must reevaluate where we are going wrong that a child as young as 6 was burned by a bully. Bullying should not thrive, kindness should.

Source of image: GoFundme.com

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