A manual for hostile to tormenting laws in China .
China has strict enemy of harassing laws, and is particularly forceful in its endeavors to
China has strict enemy of harassing laws, and is particularly forceful in its endeavors to
Australia has broad arrangements set up to counter harassing, both in schools and the working
South Africa has executed laws to battle digital tormenting by requiring that ISPs hand over
Kenya has unequivocal laws keeping any types of inappropriate behavior, which it characterizes as immediate
Across the world, women are raising their voices against sexual harassment. The #MeToo movement has
One of the most identifiable characteristic of bullying is built in tension between different individuals.
The United Nations Convention On Rights Child was ratified by India in 1992.
Preamble Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of
Disclaimer: The under given article contains only general information about the anti-bullying laws. No part
Introduction Bullying/ Ragging is a problem that is conventionally encountered by teenagers. It is a