Role family plays in promoting racism and harbouring homophobic and xenophobic attitudes
Families are the first institution of socialization. They shape the way we see things, and in turn, our opinion is shaped by them. We need to get back the basics – love and understand each other so that we can dismantle racism. It’s an alarming but true fact that the family has been a major source of racism, homophobic and xenophobic attitudes. You may think that as long as your kids are being raised next to your own close-minded beliefs and ideologies, they will automatically start to adopt them.
It’s no secret that the family is one of the most influential institutions in a person’s life. From the moment we’re born, we’re inundated with messages from our parents and caregivers about what’s right and wrong, what’s acceptable and what isn’t. These messages play a big role in shaping our attitudes and beliefs, including our attitudes towards racism, homophobia and xenophobia.
Family members have a significant impact on how young adults define themselves, which is why it’s so important to know who you are as an individual and to use that against bullies and bigots. Just because we were born of different parents, or our families have different religious beliefs, or they want a different life for themselves and their children, doesn’t mean they should be discriminated. Stereotypes don’t just happen. They are taught by parents and are learned through everyday interaction. Create the #truefamily you want.
As a family, we all have an intrinsic responsibility to teach those who are younger and less experienced about the world. We must teach them about diversity, equality and acceptance. Our young ones must know how to be respectful of different cultures and create empathy. They should be aware of that differences are one of the many reasons why we should love one another.
The family unit has always been a prevalent feature of society. It is the fundamental building block for society, and as such, it has always played a substantial role in shaping our world and culture. For example, centuries of lifestyle traditions coupled with the nuclear family model have shaped cultural perceptions about race, gender, sexuality and xenophobia.
Unfortunately, not all families are created equal. Some families are more likely to promote racist, homophobic and xenophobic attitudes than others. This can be due to a variety of factors, including the socio-economic status of the family, their religious beliefs, political influences, or simply the attitudes of the individuals within the family unit.
Whatever the reason, it’s clear that families plays a significant role in either promoting or combating racism, homophobia and xenophobia. If we want to see a more tolerant society, it’s important that we start by promoting tolerance within the family unit.